„STOP FOOD WASTE“ is the slogan chosen for the 9th National Day of Food Waste Prevention to be held on 05 February.

The event was established in 2014 by Last Minute Market’s Zero Waste awareness campaign[1] in collaboration with the University of Bologna – Department of Agrifood Science and Technology and the Ministry of the Environment.

The National Day for the Prevention of Food Waste was created with the aim of raising awareness among citizens and businesses on a topic of primary importance such as food waste, also through the dissemination of new data from the Waste Watcher International Observatory, founded by Last Minute Market.

The 2021 survey records the waste of about 27 kg of food per person (529 grams per week), 11.78% less (3.6 kg) than the previous year.


How can we contribute to STOP FOOD WASTE?

An effective and proven technique for food preservation is vacuum.

Vacuum is a method of food preservation which consists in sucking the air from inside the container in which the food is placed and consequently placing the food under negative pressure.

It is applicable to both raw and cooked products of vegetable (vegetables and fruit) and animal origin (meat, fish, sausages).




Vacuum, a winning ally in fighting food waste

Vacuum is definitely the best solution for preserving food for longer, preserving its freshness and nutritional values.

Specifically, storing food in a low-oxygen atmosphere improves certain characteristics, in particular:

  • deterioration, by slowing down the proliferation of bacteria;
  • maintaining the organoleptic characteristics by slowing down fermentation phenomena;
  • maintaining the original colour by slowing down oxidation phenomena.

One of the advantages of vacuum preservation is that it saves money by being able to maintain for longer:

  • freshly cooked food;
  • food that has not been completely consumed;
  • food prepared in large quantities and intended for periodic consumption.




Mori 2A vacuum containers

Our vacuum containers have been developed and manufactured to ensure:

  • resistance to deformation, resulting from both use and negative pressures generated by air extraction, which could affect the vacuum seal;
  • reliability in terms of release of migrating substances, being able to comply with the most recent European regulations regarding migration testing (MOCA Reg.);
  • traceability, as our company has implemented a control system based on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP);
  • easy cleaning and sanitation thanks to the perfect surface finish.


[1] Last Minute Market was set up to support large-scale distribution companies in the recovery of surplus food and promotes sustainable local development, including initiatives to raise public awareness of the problems of waste by encouraging responsible consumption.