Searching “microwave oven” on internet you can find many paradoxical and antithesis information.

On one hand there are people saying that microwave ovens cause blood damage and cancer, on the other hand some are sure that microwave ovens are better than the traditional electric ones.

Some affirms that microwave ovens should not be put next to any traditional one (but in most of our houses ovens are placed one on top of the other ) and enhance that they develop the organoleptic properties, other people discourage from heating breast milk or cooking food destined to child consumption.

All these information confuse the end user who does not know how to behave and there is more confusion about containers suitable for microwave use.

In every supermarket or appliance store etc. you can find plastic containers with this pictogram that indicates “suitable for microwave ovens use“. Unfortunately, this information has a purely commercial value and not a scientific one at all. The bibliographical references provide three indications:

  1. Any plastic material led to high temperatures release substances that come inevitably in contact with foods and none knows how they influence human health, at the moment.
  2. A container could be used in microwave ovens only if it withstands high temperatures (120°/140° C) but in most of the cases ( especially the low cost products ) they’re sold as suitable for microwave ovens use but they’re made of plastic materials that do not hold higher temperatures than 90°/95°C.
  3. Plastic container should never be used with “grill“ function

Does this mean that there is no plastic container suitable for microwave cooking?


If you want to use a plastic container in the microwave, you should follow some guidelines:

  • Do not use the “GRILL” function
  • Use only for defrosting and reheating operations
  • Prefer materials resistant to high temperatures (e.g. Nylon, Polyethersulfone etc.) 
  • Wash the containers after high temperatures usage