FEC and Mori 2A: beginning of an important partnership

We are proud to announce our entry as a full member into the FEC (Federation of European Manufacturers of Kitchenware and Cutlery) family.

The CEO of Mori 2A, Mori Alvise, comments on joining FEC stating that „it was not only the desire and the need to stay up-to-date in a constantly evolving legislative panorama that encouraged Mori 2A to join the association: a decisive role was played by the desire to become an active player in the definition of technical standards and in the harmonisation of quality and standardisation of products in the sector“.

The association was founded in 1952 with the aim of defending the interests of European producers of cookware, cutlery and kitchen utensils, and its members include some of the continent’s most renowned companies.

The Federation promotes cooperation between its members, to whom it provides help and support in the economic and technical spheres, thanks also to the in-depth expertise of its Senior Experts. Business Days and annual network events are effective ways of achieving this goal.

In addition to the promotion of industry-related research and development programmes, FEC represents the common interests of its members at official level with international authorities and, in particular, with the European Commission in Brussels.

Openness and dialogue for shared growth

The application of Open Innovation policies leads Mori 2A to choose to collaborate constantly with various international professionals, creating solid partnerships with interlocutors all over the world.

The dialogue and exchange between external specialists and in-house Mori 2A technicians stimulates the creation of new projects aimed at innovating not only technology and internal processes, but also the products and materials themselves, trying to meet the needs of the entire supply chain, proposing itself not only as a producer but as an active player in the foodservice world.

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